Various Artists - Toolroom Sampler Vol. 15


販売価格¥2,960 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
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Toolroomが誇る4トラック入りヴァイナルサンプラーシリーズ第15弾!ダンスフロアを熱狂させる強力なハウスサウンドが詰まった一枚。Mark KnightとDarius Syrossianが初コラボし、James Hurrを迎えて制作した「Let’s All Chant」のサンプルを使ったテックハウスのピークタイムアンセムは必聴。エネルギッシュなリズムと90年代の懐かしいフレーズが融合し、フロアを一瞬で盛り上げる。

続いて、International Houseの重鎮Low Steppaが、マルタの実力派Jewel Kidとタッグを組み「Big Busta」を発表。グルーヴ感溢れるテックハウスドラムと遊び心満載のヴォーカルが融合した一曲で、確実にフロアを制する。

B面にはCASSIMMがMahalia Fontaineを迎えた「Say Yeah」が登場。イタリア生まれのハウスマエストロが、ビッグベースラインとクラシックなハウスヴォーカルでエネルギッシュなトラックを展開。

締めくくりは、今や正体が明らかになったデュオWh0によるクラブバンガー。The ProdigyやBasement Jaxxのリミックスでも知られる彼らが、アシッドラインと攻撃的なドラムを駆使し、フロアを揺るがす一曲を提供。


A1. Mark Knight, Darius Syrossian, James Hurr - I Got All This Love (Extended Mix)
A2. Low Steppa, Jewel Kid - Big Busta (Extended Mix)
B1. CASSIMM, Mahalia Fontaine - Say Yeah (Extended Mix)
B2. Wh0 - Sunglasses (Extended Mix)

DJ Support: Danny Howard, Annie Mac, Mistajam,Pete Tong, Charlie Hedges, Kraak & Smaak, Maxinne,Todd Terry, Alex Preston, Full Intention, GW Harrison,DJ Rae, Rudimental, Alaia & Gallo, Illyus & Barrientos,Johan S, David Penn, Sam Divine, Riva Starr, Claptone,Nice7, Dario D’Attis, Mousse T, S-Man, Huxley, KCLights, Friend Within, Dombresky, Gorgon City, ChrisLake, Format:B, Pirupa, TCTS, Alan Fitzpatrick, LowSteppa, Mat.Joe, Raumakustik, Eskuche

Coming out the traps strong, our next 4-track vinylsampler series kicks things off with Toolroom’s very own Mark Knight who continues his impressive string of collaborations with Darius Syrossian appearing alongside him for the first time on the label. Mark and Darius, along with studio maestro James Hurr,stumbled on this classic ‘Let’s All Chant’ sample and together proceeded to write a peak-time, tech house slammer around it. With relentless energy and lush vocal licks and that all-familiar 90’s sample, this one works a treat on the dancefloor.International House don Low Steppa is next for a special release with Malta’s finest, Jewel Kid. Their track ‘Big Busta’ oozes ATTITUDE! Slamming tech house drums, an insatiable groove and a tongue-in-cheek vocal that will raise many a smile on the dancefloor. Another certified club weapon for sure! CASSIMM kicks off the flipside on the vinyl with another peak-time club weapon as he returns with ‘Say Yeah’ alongside vocalist Mahalia Fontaine. The Italian born House music maestro is on fine form as always here, hot on the heels of his ‘Love Desire’ record that went stratospheric in late 2023 on Claptone’s ‘Golden Recordings’ label. With a big bassline and oodles of dance floor energy alongside Mahalia’s rasping, diva style vocal adding that classic house vibe to proceedings! Finally, we round things off with the once mysterious but now ‘unmasked’ house duo ‘Wh0’ with a rip-roaring club banger! Remixing for the likes of The Prodigy, Basement Jaxx, Calvin Harris and Meduza whilst collaborating with Armand van Helden, Nile Rodgers and David Guetta under his Jack Back alias.This track is a heads down, no-nonsense, tongue-in-cheek club weapon! Seriously powerful drums, aplayful acid line and a very cheeky vocal that will cause a stir on many a dance floor!

Countless radio plays on Radio 1 from Danny Howard,Sarah Storie, Pete TongOther notable radio plays – Kiss FM, Toolroom Radio,Sirius XM, Data Transmission Radio, Radio 1 DanceAnthems, Radio 1 Party Anthems, Rinse FM, SelectRadio, Tomorrowland Radio

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