上海~台北で活躍中のプロデューサーTzusingによる2017年の大人気盤が待望の再プレス!香港の小説家、金庸の作品「秘曲 笑傲江湖」に登場する敵役の一人「東方不敗」をタイトルにしたファースト・アルバムで、ボディ・ミュージックやインダストリアルな要素、アジアン・テイストを巧みに取り入れた唯一無比なハウス/テクノ・サウンドを展開!シカゴ・ハウスやトライバルがお好きな方も是非この機会に!
A1 日出東方 唯我不敗
A2 Digital Properties
A3 Esther
B1 King Of Hosts
B2 Nature Is Not Created In The Image Of Man's Compassion
B3 Post-Soviet Models
B4 Torque Pulsations
One of the most sought after and definitive records in the L.I.E.S. catalog is back. Original artwork, original mastering, new cut.
Released in 2017, 東方不敗 was described as " A genre breaking and genre defining album in the current world of electronic music - this lp has resonated far beyond the conventional echo chamber of what's out there these days. A truly singular work that stands out among the rest, a modern classic in our eyes.
After three stand out eps over the last three years for L.I.E.S. Tzusing delivers his debut lp for the label. Here we get seven tracks of precision crafted electronics, unmistakenly taking the artists signature industrial fueled sound and opening it up to a new dimension far beyond the typical metal beat clang. Emotional, dark and powerful, the album title taken literally means "Invincible East" based on a character (a swordsman) in a Jin Yong novel who must make the ultimate sacrifice to attain knowledge and transform. The narrative goes in hand with the artists observations living and travelling throughout Asia and provides a haunting soundtrack for a bleak future where few dare to subvert the power structures at hand."