Tommaso Cappellato – Explorare

Explorare (US)SKU: XPLR001

販売価格¥3,720 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
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Tommaso Cappellatoが率いる「Explorare」は、ロサンゼルスの最高のジャズ名手たちによる進化し続けるアンサンブルです。2022年初頭に結成され、即興演奏を通じて音楽の豊かな風景を探求することを使命としています。彼らのセルフタイトルデビューアルバム『Explorare』は、2023年10月13日にリリースされ、ピアニストのDiego Gaeta(Andre3000、Carlos Niño)とベーシストのTony Martin(Brainstory)が参加しています。



1. Melody Lounge
2. April In Parrish
3. Celestial Coordinates
4. Nautilesque
5. Mind Yarn
6. All Knowing Smiles
7. Evening J


Tommaso Cappellato, the visionary behind Domanda Music and a respected figure in global jazz, leads Explorare - an ever-evolving ensemble of LA's finest jazz virtuosos. Launched in early 2022, Explorare's mission is to delve into music's rich landscape through improvisational performances, where persistent grooves are shaped by the unique vibes of the individual members in the present moment.
Their self-titled debut album, "Explorare" drops on October 13, 2023, on the homonymous record label Explorare, featuring pianist Diego Gaeta (Andre3000, Carlos Niño) and bassist Tony Martin (Brainstory). Explorare is more than just a musical project - it embodies the spirit of musical community through a transformative journey that invites listeners to delve into the depths of sonic exploration, guided by carefully crafted energy and passion.

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