Derrick May〜Transmatオマージュな胸熱サウンドでお馴染みのUKのプロデューサーTom Carruthersによる2021年制作の1stアルバムが待望の再プレス!このアルバムではシカゴやブリープっぽい90s初頭を思わせるプリミティヴなハウス・サウンドを展開!
A1 Can You Feel It 5:11
A2 Cyclone 5:15
B1 Fantasies 4:57
B2 Forge 4:57
C1 Don't Let Go 5:19
C2 Eliminate 4:38
C3 Quest for Rydm 5:15
D1 Incognito 5:11
D2 Channel Control 5:32
D3 FX Under 5:09
Blinding double pack of heavily old school influenced bleep, direct from the depths of England by prolific young producer, Tom Carruthers (the brains behind Non Stop Rhythm). These are heavily sample based mpc productions that harken to the carefree days when the pills were pure and the music was fresh and never stopped. When house was techno and techno was house, this long player takes the best elements from say Chill Records, early-Warp and the best Nu-Groove creating timeless dance tracks made for the warehouse dj. Essential stuff here. TIP!