Tom Carruthers – Analysis

販売価格¥2,790 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
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Non Stop Rhythmレーベル主宰者Tom CarruthersがClone Jack For Dazeより12インチをリリース!Nu Grooveあたりの初期ハウスがお好きなDJにオススメなクラシック・スタイルのハウス・トラックを4曲収録!


A1. Analysis
A2. Confidential
B2. Optix 2X

Clone Jack For Daze on a roll with Tom Carruthers up next. Tom's delivering trax that will make you jack all night long! The 4 track EP reflects a keen ear for detail and a deep appreciation for retro-futuristic influences that made the genre. No nonsense classic bleepy techno with lush strings and contrasting metalic basslines fierce enough to keep the energy flowing till sunrise.



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