SIRS CUTS – Vol Seis

販売価格¥3,190 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
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Lovebirdsの片割れでベルリンで活動しているSIRSことDaniel Kleinが自身のレーベル Sirsounds Recordsからリリース!オリジナル7インチには8~10万円もの値が付くUSアーバン・ブギーRichardi Mac「Told You So」やブラジルのOdair José「Nunca Mais」等、マニアックなネタの4曲をリエディット!


A1. Told you so

A2. Nunca mais

B1. Tonight is the night

B2. Back to usa


Sirsounds Records returns to the dancefloors with the next instalment of Sirs Cuts, brought forth by one half of Lovebirds, SIRS himself aka Daniel Klein.

A perfectly formed EP delivering four killer Disco, Soul and Balearic cuts, designed to spread love across the dance floor. This one is for the movers n groovers!



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