Sgt. Slick – Sgt Slick ReCuts Vol. 2

販売価格¥2,890 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
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メルボルンのDJ/プロデューサーSgt. SlickがEurythmics「Love is a Stranger」、Fleetwood Mac「Little Lies」、Laura Branigan「Self Control」、Time Bandits「I'm Only Shooting Love」をフロア向きにリエディット!


A1. That Stranger Called Love
A2. Lies That Aren’t Big
B1. Control Yourself
B2. I Only Shoot Love


Melbourne's Sgt Slick returns with another 4 superb re-edits for his Recuts imprint. 20 years deep in the game, accolades aplenty, collabs with some the finest out there and a serious string of his own productions, Sgt Slick knows what works on the dancefloor and these edits showcase that to a T. Some out and out classics, reworked with the club clearly in mind.

Buy or Cry.

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