Myrna Summers And The Combined Choirs Of The Refreshing Springs / Bishop Jeff Banks And The Revival Temple Mass Choir – Joe Claussell Praise Sampler

販売価格¥4,080 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
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発売が予定されているJoe Claussellによる"Praise"6枚組LPボックス・セットから抜粋された先行12インチが登場!Joe Claussellがゴスペル界のStrictly Rhythmとも言えるSavoy Records音源を掘りまくり、Myrna Summersのゴスペル・チューンをセレクト~ビートを強化し完全フロア・チューン化!B面にはBishop Jeff Banksによる「Jerusalem」のJoe Claussellによる未発表ヴァージョンをカップリングしており、こちらもダンサブルで◎!両面とも45RPMのラウドなカッティング!

A. Myrna Summers And The Combined Choirs Of The Refreshing Springs*– So Much To Live For (Joe Claussell Underground Ministry) 5:15
B. Bishop Jeff Banks And The Revival Temple Mass Choir– Jerusalem (Joe Claussell’s Hymn) 8:30



After a long hiatus from his world of Edits & Overdubs, Joaquin Joe Claussell brings you this Limited Edition 12" sampler taken from the forthcoming Joe Claussell  "Praise" 6xLP box set. Joe raids the vaults of the legendary Savoy Records, the Strictly Rhythm of Gospel music! On the A-Side he takes the mid-tempo stomper "So Much to Live For' by Myrna Summers and invokes the holy ghost, fortifying the drums and rearranging the vocals so you are left humming the chorus long after it has ended. The hook 'So Much to Live For", in itself sums up all of the "Praise" series, a cry to instill hope and meaning in what is often perceived as the mundane of daily life. On the flip is a previously unreleased Joe Claussell take of "Jerusalem"; by Bishop Jeff Banks. Here the sermon takes off right from the jump, a floor filling call and response four to the floor version finished in classic Claussell style. Wailing organs, driving percussion and vocals that will make you want to jump out of your skin. Both sides cut LOUD at 45RPM! One press and gone forever.  

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