Los Reyes 73が1975年に発表したデビュー作が、Mr Bongo Cuban Classics Seriesから遂に再発。ラテンの躍動感あふれるアフロ・キューバン・ファンクを基調に、サイケデリックなロックとディープ・ファンクが絡み合う音楽性は、70年代キューバ音楽の金字塔と呼ぶにふさわしい仕上がり。「Grandes Amigos」の鮮烈なオープニング、「Adeoey」の幻想的な響き、「Un Lamento Hecho Cancion」の躍動感など、どの楽曲もモダンなダンスフロアに通じるエネルギーを放っている。プロデュースはRaúl Gómez、編曲にはRicardo Eddy Martinezら名匠が参加し、Los Van VanのMiguel Ángel Rasalpsも作曲で貢献。キューバの伝統と革新が融合した唯一無二の作品だ。今回の再発では、美しい鳥のイラストが特徴的なメキシコ版ジャケットを採用し、Cuban Classic SeriesのOBI付きヴァイナルとしてリリース。ラテン音楽の秘宝を手に取る絶好の機会。
A1. Grandes Amigos
A2. Ya Ves Te Quedarás
A3. Necesito De Alguien Como Tú
A4. Si Llego La Primavera
A5. Adeoy
B1. Piensa Que No Has Cambiado
B2. Finalizó Un Amor
B3. Un Lamento Hecho Canción
B4. Llegara Allí
B5. Baila Que Baila Mi Son
Continuing the Mr Bongo Cuban Classics Series, we shine a light on Los Reyes 73 and their sensational debut LP from 1975. The album had multiple different pressings under various titles and artworks, but the music stayed the same and speaks for itself. The group set the bar high with this fiery Afro-Cuban-funk gem, letting loose a vibrant Latin workout combining psych rock trippiness with a heavy dose of deep funk. Elements that fuse to firmly cement this album as a ‘70s Cuban masterpiece and one of our favourites here at Mr Bongo HQ.
Releasing just two albums and a handful of 7-inch singles, the band were a popular and influential group in Cuba at the time. Since then, they have featured on several compilation albums across the 2000s that have helped raise their portfolio to new audiences worldwide.
Produced by the magical Raúl Gómez, the album featured a list of heavyweight Cuban musicians. Directed by Santiago Reyes and Ovidio Guerra, with orchestration from greats including Ricardo Eddy Martinez who also released the much-loved album 'Expreso Ritmico' in 1978 alongside Ignacio Herrera, Mario Valdes and Gilberto García. The album also features the writing prowess of Los Van Van’s Miguel Ángel Rasalps.
Blending traditional Cuban Son aesthetics with funk influences and psychedelic touches, the music housed within showcases a cosmic fusion that stands up on any modern dancefloor. The scintillating opener ‘Grandes Amigos’, the tripped out ‘Adeoey’ and the grooving ‘Un Lamento Hecho Cancion’ are just a handful of examples that exhibit the sheer musical melting pot of this album.
For this reissue, we have chosen to use the artwork from a Mexican version of the album released on Pentagrama Records that features the beautiful bird illustration cover art. The Cuban edition was released on the state-run Areito.
An outstanding and wondrous Latin record that has long been calling out for an official reissue.
The vinyl release is presented with a Cuban Classic Series OBI Strip.