Lenaの「Run To Me」は、ドリーミーなシンセポップとエレクトロニカの完璧な融合。浮遊感のあるメロディとエモーショナルなボーカルがリスナーを包み込み、幻想的なサウンドスケープを描き出す。シンセサイザーの煌びやかなリフと控えめなビートが、曲に独特の奥行きを与えている。歌詞の切なさと希望が混じり合い、聴く者の心に深く響く。リラックスしたい時や夜の静かなひとときにぴったりの一曲。Lenaの透明感のある声が、夢見るような音世界をさらに引き立てる。ノスタルジックな雰囲気と現代的なアプローチが見事に調和し、リスナーを魅了する。このレコードは、プレイリストに加えて何度も聴きたくなる一枚だ。
A1. Run To Me (Extended Version)
B1. Run To Me (Radio Version)
B2. Run To Me (Full Power Version)
Roberto Zanetti was also known as Savage and was a producer who was beloved among Italo disco enthusiasts. His work in the 80s helped to define the genre and this is one of the tracks he turned out that had a particular resonance. The outstanding production from 1987 is as likely to captivate dancefloors across Europe now as it was back then. It became a secret weapon for many DJs the first time around and here makes a special return with a reissue that features a bonus remix by Alex "A" and Patrick Delay, which was originally released in 1988 in Hong Kong.