Juan Pablo Torres – Algo Nuevo


販売価格¥4,670 JPY
Condition : New
Format : LP
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Luke Unaが「お気に入りのアルバムの一つ」と称賛するJuan Pablo Torresの1978年の作品『Algo Nuevo』。このアルバムはジャズファンクと伝統的なアフロキューバ音楽を融合させ、トリッピーなシンセサウンドとダンスフロア向けのグルーヴを展開。オープニングトラック「Pan Caliente」はラテンパーカッションと情熱的なホーン、「la-la-la」のボーカルで盛り上げる。特に注目すべきは「Cacao」で、キューバンコズミックファンクとスキャットボーカルが融合した一曲。様々なアフロキューバジャンルを取り入れたこのアルバムは、キューバ音楽の宝石として輝きを放つ。OBIストリップ付きで復刻されたこのレコードは、コレクター必携。


A1. Pan Caliente
A2. Son De Caramelo Para Ti
A3. Guajira
A4. Cacao
A5. Tatagua
B1. Rumba De Cajon Op. 1
B2. Mangle
B3. Elvira
B4. Mayajigua
B5. Asi Son Con El Son



“One of my favourite albums” - Luke Una

Next up in the Mr Bongo Cuban Classics series is an outing by the mighty Juan Pablo Torres from 1978. Released on Cuba’s state-owned Areito imprint, Algo Nuevo showcases trombonist, bandleader, arranger and producer Juan Pablo Torres' unique scope of sound. A melting pot of an album that weaves together jazz-funk and traditional Afro-Cuban genres with tripped-out synth touches and dancefloor grooves.

The opener 'Pan Caliente' is a fiery celebration, combining a driving groove with Latin percussion, feverish horns and infectious “la-la-la” vocals. The wild, squelching cosmic synthlines give an otherworldly touch to proceedings that sit nicely on a modern dancefloor. 'Guajira 2001' is perhaps Juan's future-focussed take on the vibrant style of Cuban dance-led music called guajira. Blistering bongos, congas and claves moving together with trumpets, trombones and twanging acoustic guitars that you can’t help but bounce to.

Other highlights include, 'Cacao', a Cuban cosmic funk strutter that places the claves upfront, with a scatting vocal line and percussive climax reminiscent of George Kranz electronic disco anthem 'Din Daa Daa' from 1983. Elsewhere, 'Elvira' further showcases the psychedelic essence of many of the album’s tracks. A deep Latin workout where tasty percussive breaks and scorching keys blend with trippy vocals and rumbling synths.

A varied album encompassing a variety of Afro-Cuban genres and rhythms entwined with flashes of mind-bending cosmic influence. Algo Nuevo is a further jewel in Cuba’s musical crown of riches, with plenty of dancefloor treats and downtempo numbers held within.

Featuring replica artwork, the vinyl release is presented with an OBI Strip.


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