Jacob Gurevitsch – El Terreno


販売価格¥5,690 JPY
Condition : New
Format : LP
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デンマーク人のギタリストJacob Gurevitschが人気バレアリック・レーベルMusic For Dreamsからアルバムをリリース。同レーベルからは4作目となる本作、マヨルカ島パルマのエルテレーノ地区で過去数年間にわたり制作され、その静けさと美しさが音楽に反映されている。8曲から成るアルバムには、スペインギターが石畳の通りを彷徨い、午後の陽光に照らされた広場で遊び、香り高い夕方の空気を漂う様子が描かれている。ゲストとして、キューバのジャズトランペッター、 Arturo Sandovalが「For Your Love」で参加し、デンマークのシンガーAnnisetteが「Santa Teresa」で独特のスモーキーボイスを披露している。

A1 November Night
A2 Everything I Wanted
A3 Santa Teresa
A4 Morning View
B1 For Your Love
B2 El Terreno
B3 Villa Longa
B4 Luna Love

Music For Dreams are proud to announce the release of Jacob Gurevitsch’ new album El Terreno. It is the fourth LP from the Danish guitarist with the Spanish guitar, whose world of misty, Mediterranean romance is charming listeners all over the world. 

El Terreno is named after the neighborhood in Palma, Mallorca, in which Gurevitsch wrote it over the past couple of years. The tranquility and beauty of this setting is reflected in the music: eight songs of Gurevitsch’ Spanish guitar meandering through the cobblestone streets, idling on town squares frozen in the afternoon sun, drifting on the perfumed evening air. 

Two special guests feature on the album. On ‘For Your Love’ the legendary Cuban jazz trumpetist Arturo Sandoval is invited to play along. And on ‘Santa Teresa’ the esteemed Danish rock singer Annisette lends her characteristic smoky phrases to the drama. Throughout the album, Gurevitsch’ Spanish guitar is accompanied by a band of drums, percussion, bass and keyboards. 

The release of El Terreno comes after Jacob Gurevitsch’ national tour, which sees him play two sold out nights at DR Koncerthuset on November 1 and 2. 

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