Gratts, Moody Mae, Jaj – Nuit De Fièvre

販売価格¥3,090 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 7 inch
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絶好調のレーベルBe Strong Be Freeを主宰するGrattsがMoody Mae BandやヴォーカリストのJajらとコラボした7インチを発表!グルーヴィーなディスコ調のナンバーで、どことなくLuther vandrossっぽい安定感抜群のヴォーカルも◎!B面には当店でも大人気のPellegrino(Early Sounds Recordings)によるリミックスをカップリング!

A1. Nuit De Fièvre (Version Vocale)
B1. Nuit De Fièvre (Pellegrino Nottata Stellata Remix)


Be Strong Be Free's 7" series is on fire this year and now comes back with a third instalment. It is 'Nuit De Fievre' and it comes from label owner Gratts, aka the "Belgian down under," who revisits disco's golden era by assembling a stellar studio team starring the Moody Mae band in the company of Reinhard Vanbergen on violin and Jaj from Paris on vocals. What they cook up in return is elegant boogie and disco that will chime well with fans of Dimitri From Paris. The B-side features Pellegrino's jazz-funk rendition, adding Mediterranean flair straight from Vesuvius. Both sides promise deliciously uplifting grooves for any disco enthusiast.



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