FA-5 – FA-5


販売価格¥4,490 JPY
Condition : New
Format : LP
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1976年にリリースされたFA-5のセルフタイトル・アルバムは、1970年代のキューバ音楽シーンの豊かな創造性を象徴する一枚。ラテン・ロック、ファンク、ソウル、ディスコ、アフロ・キューバン・リズムが融合し、多彩で魅力的なサウンドを展開している。冒頭の「Muevete Con Las Fuerzas Del Corazon」は、強烈なベースラインと陽気なホーン、ドラムブレイクが絡み合い、ダンスフロアを熱狂させる名曲。他にも、夢見心地な「El Blue」やファジーなファンクロック「Pero Lo Cierto Es Que No Quise Mas」、そして Commodores の名曲「Brick House」を大胆にカヴァーした「Casa De Ladrillo」など、多彩なジャンルが楽しめる。Nestor Caballero、Aneiro Taño、Osvaldo Caraballosoの手による洗練されたアレンジと、Tony Tañoのプロデュースが光る。オリジナルのアートワークを再現したヴァイナル盤は、Cuban Classic SeriesのOBI付きでコレクター心をくすぐる一枚。


A1. Muevete Con Las Fuerzas Del Corazon
A2. Di Tu Que Haras Sin Mi
A3. Paso Sin Mas
A4. El Blue
B1. Casa De Ladrillo
B2. Al Recordar No Dude
B3. Salga Y Baile
B4. Pero Lo Cierto Es Que No Quise Mas



The fertility of the Cuban music scene in the 1970s was rich and blooming. FA-5’s self-titled album from 1976 is a perfect example of the energy and vitality emanating from the country’s musicians and marks the next release in Mr Bongo’s Cuban Classics series. A unique musical fusion that encompasses Latin rock, funk, soul, disco and Afro-Cuban rhythms to form a diverse and alluring album.

The exquisite, funk-fuelled opener, 'Muevete Con Las Fuerzas Del Corazon', is maybe the most-known song on the album. It is a super catchy cut powered by a dynamite bassline, joy-filled horn playing and splashes of drum breaks that will ignite any dancefloor.

The record surfs through genres as it progresses. 'Di Tu Que Haras Sin Mi’ and 'Paso Sin Mas' lean back with a West Latin rock / AOR flavour to their grooves. Elsewhere, the dreamy, cosmic, Balearic-tinged 'El Blue' and fuzzy funk-rock breaks of 'Pero Lo Cierto Es Que No Quise Mas' further show the breadth of styles at play on the LP. Another big highlight on the album is the Latin, disco-funk sounds of 'Casa De Ladrillo', which morphs into a cover version of the Commodores 'Brick House'. The result is a superb alternative take on a much-loved classic. 

Released on the state-owned Areito Records, the album was directed by Nestor Caballero, who arranged the songs alongside Aneiro Taño and Osvaldo Caraballoso.  The prolific Tony Taño produced the album with the recording courtesy of Tony Lopez who worked with Juan Pablo Torres, Los Reyes 73, Grupo Los Yoyi, Raúl Gómez and many other Cuban greats that we have featured in the Cuban Series.

A fabulous, under-the-radar classic, that will enrich any collection.

Featuring replica artwork, the vinyl release is presented with a Cuban Classic Series OBI Strip.

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