Ex Generation – The Napoli Exchange

Energy ExchangeSKU: EXRECLP003

販売価格¥5,090 JPY
Condition : New
Format : LP
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Nu GeneaやPellegrino & Zodyacoのファンにオススメ!

Energy Exchange Recordsから、これまでにない国際コラボレーション『The Napoli Exchange』が登場。Energy Exchange Recordsの共同創設者であるLewis MoodyとZiggy Zeitgeistが、プロデューサー兼レーベルオーナーのFederico Gallotti(Tartelet / La Scimmia)とタッグを組んだこのプロジェクトは、ナポリを訪れた際の地中海の風と、Early SoundsやPeriodica Recordsといったレーベルが生み出すアンダーグラウンドなディスコやファンクに触発されたもの。歴史的なイタリアの街から、ヨーロッパ全体のクラブシーンに橋をかける絶好の機会を生み出した。


A1. Juno, Minerva, Venus e Fortuna
A2. Napoli Fresca
A3. A Pusteggia
A4. Holding Your Heart
B1. Seratina
B2.Cavalluccio Rosso
B3. Hurting Lies
B4. Girovago
B5. Controra



In an unprecedented international collaboration, Energy Exchange Records presents 'The Napoli Exchange' - the brainchild of Energy Exchange Records co-founders, Lewis and Ziggy, joining forces with producer and label boss Federico Gallotti (Tartelet / La Scimmia), the project was inspired by numerous visits to Naples, allured by the mediterranean breeze and of course the underground disco and funk forged by labels such as Early Sounds and Periodica Records. This meeting of minds created an opportunity to build bridges from the historic Italian city to the broader european scene of club crossover music.

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