Freestyle Recordsが、Eddie Capone's Treatmentによる1985年のホワイトレーベル限定曲「Only You Know What I Like」を限定300枚で復刻リリース。UKブギーのレアな12インチが再び注目を集めている。
Eddie Caponeは1970年代初頭からUKのレゲエ、ソウル、ファンク、ロックシーンで活躍し、Chairmen of the Board、The Foundations、Black Velvet、The Elgins、Arthur Brown's Kingdom Come、Arthur Lee's Love、Billy Preston、Edwin Starrなど、多彩なアーティストと共演してきた。また、David CostaやBarry Clarke(初期70年代のフォークロックバンドTreesのメンバー)と共にCasablancaという短命のグループを結成し、Elton JohnのRocket Record Companyと契約していた。
1980年代初頭、EddieはTreatmentバンドを結成し、シンガーやプレイヤーを入れ替えながら活動を展開。1982年には自身のBlack RockスタジオからTreatment Recordsを設立し、Eddie Capone's TreatmentやBeryl MarsdenとのサイドプロジェクトSalt & Pepper、ノルウェーのグループWaveのシングルなど、一連の作品をリリースした。1985年には、ヴォーカルにDiane Jonesを迎えた12インチ「I Won't Give You Up」を発表し、DJやラジオで好評を博した。続いてリリースされたのが、今回再発されるUKブギー・ファンクの名曲「Only You Know What I Like」で、当時はホワイトレーベルのみのリリースだったが、DJ/セレクターたちの間で深く支持される一曲となった。
Treatment Recordsは1980年代から1990年代初頭にかけて、Eddieのソロやコラボレーション作品を継続的にリリース。Eddie自身も現在まで自宅スタジオで音楽制作を続けている。また、2014年以降、South East Londonのコミュニティ活動家として、3G Treatmentという名の下、地域の若手アーティストやミュージシャンがベテランの知識や経験にアクセスできるよう支援し、音楽業界での成功を促進している。
A1. Only You Know What I Like
B1. Only You Know What I Like (instrumental)
Freestyle Records drop another UK boogie 12" rarity from Eddie Capone's Treatment, this time the previously white label-only "Only You Know What I Like" from 1985. Limited to 300 copies worldwide.
A mainstay of the UK's reggae, soul, funk & rock circuits since the early 1970s, Eddie Capone has played with a diverse and revered collection of acts; Chairmen of the Board, The Foundations, Black Velvet, The Elgins, Arthur Brown's Kingdom Come, Arthur Lee's Love, Billy Preston and Edwin Starr to name but a few. Eddie was also part of short-lived group Casablanca, with David Costa & Barry Clarke of early 70's folk-rockers Trees, signed to Elton John's Rocket Record Company.
Eddie founded the Treatment band in the early 1980s bringing in a revolving cast of singers and players, and created the Treatment Records imprint out of his own Black Rock studio in South East London in 1982. Releasing a string of singles - with efforts from Eddie Capone's Treatment, a side-project with singer Beryl Marsden as Salt & Pepper, and a single from Norwegian group Wave - Treatment Records then followed this up in 1985 with the 12" release of "I Won't Give You Up" with Diane Jones brought in on vocal duties. This received solid support amongst DJs and radio at the time, and was quickly followed with this solid slice of white label-only UK boogie-funk that has since become a favoured deep cut on the selectors circuit.
Treatment Records continued through the 1980s through to early 1990s releasing Eddie's music, both as a solo artist and as part of collaborative side-projects, and Eddie has continued to write, perform and produce music from his home studio right through to the present day. As a committed community figure & activist in South East London, Eddie has since 2014 re-started Treatment Records under the name of 3G Treatment - bringing together three generations of people from the local area to ensure young artists & musicians have access to the expertise and experience of their elders for support and encourage successful careers in the industry.