「Burnier & Cartier – Burnier & Cartier」は、ブラジル音楽の洗練された魅力を詰め込んだ一枚だ。アコースティックギターの柔らかな音色と、デリケートなボーカルが心地よく絡み合い、聴く者を優雅なサウンドスケープへと導く。ボサノヴァとMPBの影響を受けた楽曲は、都会の喧騒から離れた静かな午後を思わせるリラックスした雰囲気を醸し出す。各曲に感じられるメロディの美しさと、詩的な歌詞が心に響き、何度でも聴きたくなる魅力を持つ。このアルバムは、ブラジル音楽の真髄を楽しみたい人にとって、欠かせない存在となるだろう。
A1 Só Tem Lugar Pra Você 2:45
A2 Aldeia Global 2:30
A3 Lejos De Mi 4:07
A4 Lembrando Ed Kleiger 2:38
A5 Deixa Mudar 2:32
A6 Parte Capital 4:00
B1 Mirandolina 2:35
B2 Ai É Que Tá 2:15
B3 Aventura Espacial 3:49
B4 Barranco 2:28
B5 Europanema 2:07
B6 Marcante 2:26
"Such a perfect album" Hunee
"Beautiful Brazilian Fusion" Gilles Peterson
Sought-after Brazilian LP from 1974 that touches on MPB, soul, jazz, disco and boogie, reminiscent of Steely Dan in places. Deep guitar arrangements intertwine with layered vocals creating an airy, floating vibe.
Extremely expensive theses days, this one has been on our list for a while. As sampled by Andres on his ‘Sing About It’ collaboration with Kenny Dixon Junior aka Moodymann and on Kaytranada’s Janet Jackson flip, ‘Alright’. Championed by the likes of Jazzanova, Floating Points, Dego 2000 Black, Benji B, Gilles Peterson, Hunnee and co. The record features Arthur Verocai and Luis Bonfa (composer Octavio Burnier’s uncle) on production/arrangement.
Official Mr Bongo reissue. Replica original artwork. Licensed from Sony.