Auntie Flo – Green City

A State Of Flo (UK)SKU: ASOF006

販売価格¥2,890 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
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「Green City」はAuntie Floのアルバム『In My Dreams (I'm a Bird and I'm Free)』からの先行シングルで、2018年のSAY賞受賞作『Radio Highlife』以来の新作。Mr. Bongoからのコンピやリエディット盤で知られるLuke Unaが「心を震わせるバレアリック・ボム」と絶賛するこのトラックは、2019年のWe Out Hereフェスティバルで初披露され、アフロ・ディスコの15分間のジャムに進化。Fela Kutiにインスパイアされたこの楽曲は、終わることのないような魅力的なグルーヴを放つ。

このトラックは、Auntie Floが母の故郷であるケニア・ナイロビを訪れた際に録音したフィールドレコーディングを基に制作。SarabiのEast African Ambassa Mandelaがヴォーカルを担当し、KokorokoのメンバーであるYohan Kebede、ロンドンのZiggy Funk、Golden TeacherのLaurie Pitt、そしてGlasgowのJoe Howeなど、豪華なミュージシャンが参加している。

「Green City」はAuntie Floの音楽ビジョンを完全に表現した一曲で、伝統を敬いながらも新しく独創的なサウンドを提示。マリ風のギター、感動的なヴォーカルブレイクダウン、そして至福のエンディングが詰まった究極の夏フェス向けトラックとなっている。



A. Green City (Extended 12" Version)

“A spine tingling spiritual balearic bomb - this is very special, magical, beautiful - it’s just outrageously good” Luke Una

Green City is the first single from Auntie Flo's (aka Brian d'Souza) new album 'In My Dreams (I'm a Bird and I'm Free), the follow up to 2018's SAY award-winning Radio Highlife (Brownswood).

Green City was first aired during Auntie Flo's headline slot closing the main stage at the inaugural We Out Here festival in 2019 and since then has evolved into a 15-minute, Fela Kuti-inspired, Afro-disco jam with an infectious groove that keeps on giving and giving.

Based around a field recording captured during a trip to Nairobi, Kenya, where d'Souza's mother is from, he subsequently assembled a heroes cast of musicians to perform on the track: East African Ambassa Mandela from the band Sarabi leads on vocals, a connection Brian made during the much loved sold out Highlife World Series of records back in 2015.

Yohan Kebede was part of the Auntie Flo live band during the last tour but is best known for his key role as part of the ever popular Kokoroko. London's Ziggy Funk plays the epic guitar parts, following a chance encounter on the video shoot for Havana Rhythm Dance feat Andrew Ashong from Radio Highlife. Laurie Pitt from the much-missed Golden Teacher band plays Tony Allen influenced live drums and Glasgow's Joe Howe (Ex Ben Butler & Mousepad) plays the sax.

The track is the fullest representation to date of d'Souza's musical vision and showcases his ability to bridge musical boundaries and influences, paying respects to the musical traditions that have inspired him whilst balancing his desire to present something new, original and non-derivative.

Green City is the ultimate summer festival track - with a timeless groove, euphoric snare rolls, gloriously uplifting Malian-inspired guitar, epic vocal lead breakdown and emotive, blissful ending, which despite its 15 min running time, you won't want to end.

A State of Flo supports Earth Percent. 10% of the revenue generated from this release will be paid to environmental charities.


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