Alfa Mist & Amika Quartet – Recurring (Live At King's Place)


販売価格¥4,490 JPY
Condition : New
Format : LP
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このアルバムについて、Alfaはこう語る。「好きなアルバムの多くはライヴ録音なんだ。ツアーから帰ってきて、長年一緒にやってきたAmika Quartetのために音楽を作ろうと思った。僕がリリースする音楽のほとんどは一発録りで、その瞬間にできるベストを尽くすのが好きなんだ。今回はそれをさらに進めて、ライヴのように録音して、どんなサウンドになるか試してみたかった」。


A1. Deus Ex
A2. Just Dreams
A3. Decay
A4. With The Rain (feat Kaya Thomas-Dyke)
B1. Yellow Tie
B2. Checkpoint (Violence)
B3. Recurring
B4. Expand (Years Ago)
B5. The Fifth

Featuring a handful of brand new, never-before-heard tracks (alongside a number of expansions of previous releases), ‘Recurring’ sees Alfa drawing inspiration from classic live Jazz recordings, capturing a unique moment in time that can never be replicated or replayed.

Creating an authentic, unpolished and electric feel, feeding his long-running mission of real-time musical expressions that evolve with each performance. On the genesis of the record, Alfa says: ‘Some of my favourite albums are captured live performances. I came home from a long year of touring and decided to work on some music for Amika Quartet who I've been working with for years on a few different shows and projects. A lot of the music I release is recorded in whole takes, I think there's something nice about doing the best you can with the moments you have. I wanted to take that one step further by recording it as a live show and seeing what happens.'’


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