Carl Smithによる至極のブギー・アクション!Phil Boogie Timesとして知られるPhilippe LecauchoisとBest RecordのClaudio Casaliniがタッグを組み、Boogie、Funk、Soul、Old School Discoへの情熱を共有。Darryl Payneが1983年にプロデュースした12インチ「What's the Deal / Have You for My Love」では、元SalsoulアーティストのCarol Williamsが魅力を放つ。そして1984年の「Come Back Lover」はCarl Smithが見事に歌い上げ、再発。アメリカ産ソウルミュージックの真髄を体感できる、必携の1枚!
A1. Come Back Lover
B1. Come Back Lover (club mix instrumental)
Proper boogie action by Carl Smith! The French Philippe Lecauchois, better known as "Phil Boogie Times" and Claudio Casalini, the factotum of the Italian label Best Record, have teamed up with the intention of carrying on their identical passion, being devoted to Boogie, Funk, Soul, and " Old School Disco".
There couldn't have been a better choice to start this conjunction of passions and sharing of ideals: the first 12iinch, produced by Darryl Payne in 1983, sees two precious gems such as "What's the Deal" b/w "Have You for My Love" by the charming ex Salsoul artist, Carol Williams (BTBS-12001).
The other reissue of Phil and Claudio is 1984's "Come Back Lover" masterfully sung and arranged by Carl Smith (BTBS-12002). Listening to these splendid 40-year-old productions again will do good to the hearts of all the followers and fans of true soul music made in the USA. Must have vinyl edition of this gem!