販売価格¥3,090 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
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【再入荷!】あのRené & Angelaが中心となったグループPlushによる1982年の人気アーバン・ブギー12インチが正規復刻!ミックスはTee Scottで、アルバムよりも倍近い尺の8:14のヴァージョン!今回、B面には同年のアルバム収録曲を2曲セレクトし初12インチ化!

A1. Free And Easy

B1. We’ve Got The Love

B2. Livin’ For Your Love


Three 1982 disco classics from boogie trio Plush formed under the guidance of Angela Winbush, René Moore and Bobby Watson, get the official, remastered reissue treatment from the original tapes.

Opening up the EP, an Angela & Rene original ‘Free & Easy’ is taken on by the Plush troupe, with the legendary Tee Scott providing a trademark extended mix. It kicks off with cosmic synths that dissipate into heavy funk, electric bass riffs, whilst scorching top lines and choice guitar licks trade off over the top. Scott’s magic is clear to see in the composition of this extended mix. A man who clearly knew how to work a dancefloor, his use of breakdowns especially, extending the anticipation and power the track commands on its dancers. From the bass breaks that weave in modulated synths, to those that utilise the glorious sustained piano chords, cutting to just vocals and percussion before everything is added back in for ultimate dancefloor elation.

First up on the B side, ‘We Got The Love’, a more soulful, slowed down tip where staccato guitar plucks and chunky slap bass marries with warm Rhodes chords, and lush vocal harmonies blend with the power of Siedah Garrett commanding the lead vocals. A passion ingrained in their voices that cannot be taught, hanging in the air, as they hang onto their phrases.

Lastly, ‘Livin For Your Love’ a boogie-based serenade written by Herman Chainey and Tony L. Phillips, intertwines Phillips’ deep dulcet tones with Plush’s backing. Add in a dose of pure ‘80s bass synth, twanging funk flashes and juicy bass guitar ripples and you’ve got a recipe sure to woo any wandering hearts out there.

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