数々のシングルをリリースしてきたJoe ClaussellによるプロジェクトThe Bayara Citizensが満を持して初となるアルバムを完成!生々しいパーカッション〜アフリカン・ドラムを軸にしたアフロ・ディープ・ハウスの集大成!単なるアフロ・ハウスに止まらず、ミニマル〜サイケデリックなナンバーも披露した聴き応え十分の2枚組です!
A1: Freedom Suite (Setting Ourselves Free) 2:27
A2: Zainabu (Spirit Dancer) 6:24
A3: Sonkofa (We are Powerful People) 3:09
B1: Mofo Congoietric (Joaquin's Sacred Rhythm Version) 10:03
B2: Thembia ( A Ritual in Honor of our Forest) 5:36
C1: Bambara (The Tribes of Distortion Dub) 9:13
C2: Ju Ru Music (The Congo Album Version) 5:16
D1: DIamonds (it's time to let our people go) 7:50
D2: Hillbilly Africa 10:22
A1: Freedom Suite (Setting Ourselves Free) 2:27
A2: Zainabu (Spirit Dancer) 6:24
A3: Sonkofa (We are Powerful People) 3:09
B1: Mofo Congoietric (Joaquin's Sacred Rhythm Version) 10:03
B2: Thembia ( A Ritual in Honor of our Forest) 5:36
C1: Bambara (The Tribes of Distortion Dub) 9:13
C2: Ju Ru Music (The Congo Album Version) 5:16
D1: DIamonds (it's time to let our people go) 7:50
D2: Hillbilly Africa 10:22