1969年にリリースされたこのアルバムは、Caetano Veloso、Gilberto Gil、Gal Costa、Os Mutantesらが牽引したTropicalia運動の核心を突く一枚。音楽的実験と政治的抗議が交差する歴史的傑作だ。
Velosoの詩的なヴォーカル、Os Mutantesの狂気じみたギアノイズ、Gal Costaの熱を帯びた歌唱——各トラックからは、自由を求める意志が迸る。ヴァイナルの回転と共に、抑圧された時代の熱気とアーティストの覚悟が蘇る。
A1 Gilberto Gil– Miserere Nóbis 3:42
A2 Caetano Veloso– Coração Materno 4:15
A3 Mutantes*– Panis Et Circenses 3:33
A4 Nara Leão– Lindonéia 2:13
A5 Gilberto Gil– Parque Industrial 3:16
A6 Gilberto Gil– Geléia Geral 3:42
B1 Gal Costa– Baby 3:32
B2 Caetano Veloso– Três Caravelas (Las Três Carabelas) 3:05
B3 Caetano Veloso– Enquanto Seu Lobo Não Vem 2:31
B4 Gal Costa– Mamãe, Coragem 2:28
B5 Gilberto Gil– Bat Macumba 2:33
B6 Caetano Veloso– Hino Do Senhor Do Bonfim 2:30
Originally released in 1969, this album is one of the most significant in Brazilian musical history, spearheading the musical Tropicalia revolution lead by Brazilian legends Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil, not to mention Gal Costaand mutant rockers Os Mutantes. Not only were the artists experimenting with the music, they were also making a very strong political statement that spoke out very harshly against the military regime in Brazil at the time. This album helped land Veloso and Gil a brief stint in jail and eventually in political exile in the UK.
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