新興レーベルWorm Recordsからの第2弾!Boulderhead(Rhythm Section International/Sex Tapes From Mars/Craigie Knowes)やご存知DMX Crew等による個性的なトラックを4曲収録!
Worm Recordsが待望の第2弾をリリース。A面は、Boulderheadによるフロアヒット間違いなしの『In The Cloud』で幕を開ける。『Bread, Butter, Noodles, Spice』を彷彿とさせるエネルギッシュなトラックながら、新鮮なアプローチが光る。続くWookaの『Make Yourself Comfortable』は、重量感あるダンスフロアにピッタリの一曲。
B面には、プロジェクトやレーベルに大きく貢献したDMX Krewの『Half Included』が登場。卓越したエレクトロのプロダクションで期待を裏切らない。そして、注目の新星Jorg Kuningによる『Imbolc』が締めを飾る。ユニークで独特なサウンドが印象的なトラックだ。
A1. Boulderhead - In The Cloud
A2. Wooka - Make Yourself Comfortable
B1. DMX Krew - Half Included
B2. Jorg Kuning - Imbolc
Worm Records coming back with a number two. Kicking off with a Boulderhead future classic 'In The Cloud', you will have heard 'Bread, Butter, Noodles, Spice' on a dancefloor someplace somewhere, this one is in the same vein but fresh as f. Frenchman Wooka completes the A side with 'Make Yourself Comfortable' which sounds proper on most chunky dancefloors. The B starts off with a track from the legendary DMX Krew who needs appreciation for helping birth this project / label - 'Half Included' is a unit and you’d expect nothing less. The final track on the record is from Jorg Kuning - 'Imbolc' which is typical froggy business from the new hot shot. All proceeds will support UK Food Banks through the LIVEFORLOVE campaign. Big thanks to Prime for their incredible support on this project. Designs by Jay Vaz & Daniel Lovrinov.
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