Charles Barnwell's band、The Funnybone Expressによるファンキーな2曲入りシングル。深いファンクとモダンなサウンドが特徴で、当時非常に評価された。このレコードは極めてレアで求められている。この限定500枚のプレスは、知る人ぞ知る一枚となる。DJ Mr Big HappyとDaniel Mathisのおかげでこのレアな名盤が発掘された。
A. All The Way Down
B. Tonight's The Night
Brilliant rough and funky two sider from Charles Barnwell's band The Funnybone express. A very obscure deepfunk spin with that splash of modern sound that was so appreciated at the time (I can't actually remember whether it was Ian or Keb that first played this). It has remained an extremely rare and sought after slab of wax and this limited run of 500 will serve to sort out the heads that know the score. Big up DJ Mr Big Happy (check out his NTS show) and Daniel Mathis (Check his show Reachin' Out on WYXR) for helping unearth this rare banger.