Tadao Sawai , Kazue Sawai , Hozan Yamamoto , Sadanori Nakamur , Tatsuro Takimoto , Takeshi Inomata – Jazz Rock 琴 / 日本の民謡


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Condition : New
Format: LP
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「Jazz Rock」は、そのタイトルから想像できないほどの魅力を秘めたアルバムだ。ジャズの要素や歪んだギターはあるものの、本作はファンキーブレイクビートとスピリチュアルジャズ、さらに伝統的な民謡音楽が融合している。

1973年に初リリースされたこのレコードは、ヴィンテージでありながら現代的な響きを持つ。Madlibが日本で民謡演奏者と共にセッションを行ったかのような作品だ。Hozan Yamamotoの尺八演奏が音楽に夢幻的な雰囲気を与え、まるで夏の風に揺れる草原や竹林を想像させる。Takeshi Inomata、Tadao Sawai、Kazue Sawaiがセッションを支え、Takeshiのファンキードラムはプロデューサーたちを刺激するだろう。KazueとTadaoの琴演奏も見事だ。

「Jazz Rock」は環境音楽ではないが、その瞑想的で別世界のようなクオリティはリスナーを別の場所へと誘う。これまで希少で高価だったこのアルバムが、ついに手に入れやすくなった。未来のクラシックとなるこの逸品をぜひ手に取ってほしい。


A1. 黒田節 Kuroda Bushi
A2. 花笠踊り Hanagasa Odori
A3. そうらん節 Soran Bushi
A4. さんさ時雨 Sansa Shigure
A5. ひえつき節 Hietsuki Bushi
A6. 佐渡おけさ Sado Okesa
B1. 五ッ木の子守唄 Itsuki No Komoriuta
B2. 北海盆唄 Hokkai-Bonuta
B3. 木曽節 Kiso Bushi
B4. 貝殻節 Kaigara Bushi
B5. 磯節 Iso Bushi
B6. 南部牛追唄 Nanbu Ushioi Uta


They say you can't judge a book by its cover, and going by 'Jazz Rock’, nor a record by its title. Though entering into jazz territory and featuring some distorted guitar, 'Jazz Rock' is more a beautiful marriage of funky breakbeat drumming and spiritual jazz instrumentation, combined with traditional Min'yō music performed on the koto and shakuhachi.

Originally released in 1973, the record sounds simultaneously vintage and contemporary. It is akin to something Madlib might dream up whilst lost in Japan collaborating with Min'yō players at a recording session. The record features some amazing shakuhachi (bamboo flute) playing by Hozan Yamamoto, which gives the music a haunting, dreamlike atmosphere. You can almost visualise the long grass blowing in the wind, and hear the bamboo rustling in the distance on a long hot summer’s day. Takeshi Inomata, Tadao Sawai and Kazue Sawai anchor the session. Takeshi’s exceptionally funky-drum work will almost certainly get some producers dusting off and firing up their MPC's. Whilst Kazue and Tadao work their magic on the koto (a traditional string instrument).

Though certainly not an ambient record, 'Jazz-Rock' has the same meditative, other-worldly quality that invites you to sit back, listen and be transported somewhere else. Unfortunately, until now the 'Jazz Rock' album is a scarcity that commanded a high price-tag only for the most hardened of record collectors. So it is pleasure to make it accessible to all, and we hope you dig this lost, obscure future-classic as much as we do.

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