Ray Fernandezが率いる『Ray And His Court』は、1973年にリリースされたアフロ・キューバン・ファンクの名作。マイアミのラテン音楽シーンで活躍した彼の集大成ともいえるこのアルバムは、サルサ、ソウル、ファンク、カリプソ、アフロ・キューバンのリズムが絶妙に融合した一枚だ。
Side Aでは、伝統的なラテンのエネルギーが炸裂する。「La Señorita Lola」の魅惑的なメロディーや、「Lo Sabia」のホーンセクションとRayのオルガンが響き渡るグルーヴは圧巻。「Venimos Acabando」と「El Alacran」もダンスフロアを盛り上げる必殺トラック。
Side Bはさらに熱量を上げ、マイアミ・ファンクの洗礼を浴びる。「Cookie Crumbs」は火のついたベースラインとブレイクビート、トリップ感のある声が融合したDJの定番曲。「Soul Freedom」はGary Gottfriedのベースクラリネットが光るファンクの傑作だ。さらに、Bobby Hebbの名曲「Sunny」をオルガンと女性ヴォーカルでカヴァーしたキューバン・ファンクの新境地も必聴。
A1. La Señorita Lola
A2. Lo Sabia
A3. Venimos Acabando
A4. El Alacran
A5. La Pena (Plena)
B1. Cookie Crumbs
B2. De Eso Nada Monada
B3. Sunny
B4. Soul Freedom
Latin funk at its finest. A kingpin player of Miami’s Cuban music scene, Ray Fernandez, brought together his ‘court’ for this sensational Afro-Cuban funk triumph. Largely a family affair, the album features his wife, two sons and a range of other talented musicians including Rickey Washington on saxophone, father of the contemporary jazz maestro Kamasi Washington. Originally released in 1973 on Manuel J. Mato’s iconic and collectible Sound Triangle Records, Ray & His Court is a dose of Miami heat fuelled by a Cuban fire, taking in salsa, soul, funk, calypso and Afro-Cuban rhythms.
A kaleidoscopic album that draws influence from a range of different genres and scenes blended together in true Ray Fernandez style. Side A, showcases an array of traditional Latin workouts including the addictive enticing opener 'La Señorita Lola' and the pulsating 'Lo Sabia' with its punchy horns and Ray’s wonderful, quirky bubbling organ groove. The tantalising ‘Venimos Acabando’ and bouncing organ stabs of ‘El Alacran’ are two further tickets to get a dancefloor vibing.
The B-side then steps things up, slipping a hit of heavy-weight Miami funk into the mix. Take the DJ favourite ‘Cookie Crumbs’ with its fiery bassline, tripped-out voiceovers and breakbeat drums. Or the amazing, memorable and truly unique funk instrumental ‘Soul Freedom’ with some mighty fine bass clarinet work courtesy of Gary Gottfried. Also featured is a seductive organ-led Cuban funk rework of Bobby Hebb's 'Sunny' (are there any bad versions of this song?), with a sumptuous female vocal that combine to serve up a seductive take us this much-loved classic.
'Ray And His Court' is a brilliant blend of Afro-Cuban gems and Miami funk heat from an influential group on Miami’s Latin music scene. A majestic and magnetic classic where every track is a surefire winner.
Housed in a tip-on sleeve.
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