アメリカの音楽プロデューサーQuincy Jones監修による名曲「Blue Monday」の1988年版リミックス。オリジナルはジャケットのモチーフとなったフロッピーディスクが物語るよう”無機質”だったのに対し、こちらのリミックスは様々な装飾が有機的に散りばめられている。B面Beach BuggyはMichael Johnsonによるリミックスが収録されております。(ushiro/ Tecchu Co.,Ltd)
A. Blue Monday 1988
B. Beach Buggy
If you had an asset as potent and praised as 'Blue Monday', you'd want to see where else you could take it, wouldn't you? After New Order released their singles collection Substance 1987, they served up 'Blue Monday 88' with some subtle refinements overseen by none other than Quincy Jones. It's just the right approach, adding some spice to the rhythm section but keeping the brilliance of the song intact. Meanwhile 'Beach Buggy' on the flip sees Michael Johnson going in on the instrumental flip side version for those who need maximum club reaction. Both tracks absolutely shine thanks to a tidy remastering treatment, so if you don't already own it, now's the chance to put that right.
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