Moses – We Just (Ben Liebrand Remixes)

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Condition : New
Format: 12 inch
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Ben Liebrandが、Mosesの名曲『We Just』に現代的な息吹を吹き込み、見事な3バージョンのリミックスを完成させた。オリジナルを生み出したRomano Musumarraへの敬意を込めつつ、モダンなドラムとアナログの魔法で再構築されたこのトラックは、80年代のエネルギッシュな空気を蘇らせながらも新鮮さを放つ。特にB面の『Our Evolution』ミックスは、12分に及ぶ壮大な旅へと誘い、ディープでエモーショナルな体験を提供する。このItalo Discoの再発明は、かつての輝きと現代のセンスを見事に融合させた必聴の作品だ。

A1 We Just (Revolution Remix) 5:21
A2 We Just (Rebellion Remix) 6:25
B We Just (Our Evolution) 11:58

Brace yourself for a trifecta of Ben Liebrand interpretations on Moses – We Just, each one leaving an indelible imprint on this iconic Italo Disco anthem. With his deft touch, Ben infuses the track with a modern twist, showering it with his signature drums and analog wizardry. The result? A colossal sonic experience of this Romano Musumarra produced anthem, that resonates deep within your soul, paying homage to the song’s origins, its entrancing melodies, its pulsating rhythms, and above all, its sheer originality. Close your eyes and surrender to the nostalgia of bygone days, whisked away on a euphoric journey to the vibrant 80s. The ‘Our Evolution” mix, featured on the B-Side, being almost 12 minutes long! Prepare to be dazzled by the unparalleled brilliance of this outstanding Italo Disco reinvention!

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