Music From Memoryから過去作・未発表曲がリリースされ話題となったMichal Turtleが1983年のアルバム「Music From The Living Room」(激レア!)を再構築しInvisible, Inc.からリリース!個性的で深いダウンテンポ、アンビエント、エクスペリメンタル・アルバム!
ミハエル・タートルが画期的なアルバム『Music From The Living Room』を世に送り出してから40年。
極めて無名のカルト・クラシックとして、ディープ・ディガーや愛好家たちの間でしか知られていなかったが、約30年後、Music From Memoryがタートルの未発表曲を集めた回顧的コンピレーションをリリースして初めて、彼の名前が広く知られるようになり、新しい世代がこのアーティストのユニークで先駆的なスタイルの実験的エレクトロニック・ミュージック・プロダクションを発見することができた。
新旧のコラボレーターをスタジオに招き、楽曲を一から作り直した。Are You Psychic? "や "Village Voice "のようなおなじみの曲はオーバーホールされ、オリジナルの面影を残しながら、同時に全く新しい曲のように聴こえる。いつも魅惑的な "Phantoms of Dreamland "は、オリジナル・アルバムのヴォーカリストであるルシアンヌ・ラサールと、いつもコラボレートしているHOVEがエレクトロニクスで参加した、カフェ・オトでのライブ録音で表現されている。しかし、残りの曲は、ほとんどの人にとって、これまで再発されたことも、新しい形で聴かれたこともない、まったく新しい曲である。
A1. Are You Psychic?
A2. Phantoms Of Dreamland (Live At Café Oto)
B1. Village Voice
B2. It's A Stop Sign Shirley!
B3. Yak By Yak
B4. Jeka
It's been 40 years since Michal Turtle released his seminal, ground-breaking album "Music From The Living Room" into the world and promptly disappeared back into the aether.
An extremely obscure cult classic known only to deep diggers and aficionados of the finest order, it wasn't until Music From Memory reissued some of the tracks from it via retrospective compilations of Turtle's unreleased music almost 30 years later that his name become more widely known and a new generation were able to discover the artist's unique and pioneering style of experimental electronic music production, the majority of it very much ahead of its time, and to this day, still timeless.
Invisible Inc contacted Turtle in the summer of 2023 about releasing something else by him and it was during this exchange of emails that ideas were expressed about releasing not simply a straightforward reissue of "Music From The Living Room" to mark its 40th anniversary (the album has never been reissued in full) but rather a re-imagined/re-constructed take on the album bringing contemporary techniques, styles and newly recorded vocal and instrument parts into the mix and breathing new life into these wonderful compositions.
Collaborators old and new were brought into the studio and the songs re-created from the ground up. Familiar songs like "Are You Psychic?" and "Village Voice" get overhauled and echo remnants of their original counterparts but simultaneously sound like completely new tracks. The always mesmerising "Phantoms of Dreamland" is represented through a live recording at Café Oto featuring original album vocalist Lucianne Lasalle and regular collaborator HOVE on electronics. The remaining tracks, however, will be completely new to the ears of most people, never having been reissued or heard in these new forms ever before.
Regardless, whether in some way familiar or not, these hypnotic and repetitive pieces of beautiful sound art, all very different in style from one another, have an entirely new identity that even diehard devotees of the originals will fall in love with.
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