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バンコクを拠点とするミュージシャンMaarten Goetheerが、タイの著名なジャズ・ドラマーPong Nakornchaiを迎えて制作したアルバム『Suite For Chick』は、故Chick Coreaへの心からのオマージュだ。この作品には、Chick Corea Elektric Bandの「City Gate, Rumble」「Time Track」「Hymn of the Heart」、そしてReturn to Foreverの名曲「Romantic Warrior」の新たな解釈が収録されている。これらの楽曲は、テクノ、イタロ、コズミック・ディスコ、ダブ、アシッド、ブギー、プロト・ハウス、アンビエント・ミュージックなど、Maartenの音楽キャリアを通じて影響を受けた多彩なジャンルと融合し、独自のジャズ・フュージョン作品として昇華されている。Chick Coreaは、Miles Davisをエレクトリック・フュージョンの時代へと導いた重要なミュージシャンの一人であり、その遺産は今も音楽界に生き続けている。このアルバムは、フュージョン愛好家や現代のダンス・ミュージックファン、さらにはジャズやレア・グルーヴのファンにとっても必聴の一枚だ。
Maarten Goetheerは、ジャズ・ピアニストである父Gerard Goetheerの影響を受け、幼少期から音楽に親しんできた。彼の作品には、常に音楽の偉大な先人たちへの敬意が込められており、『Suite For Chick』もその一例だ。
Pong Nakornchaiは、マヒドン大学でジャズ研究の修士号を取得し、地元や海外のアーティストと広範囲にツアーを行うなど、タイのモダンジャズシーンを牽引する存在だ。彼の自由奔放で独創的、即興的な音楽哲学は、このアルバムにも色濃く反映されている。
『Suite For Chick』は、Chick Coreaの遺産を新たな視点で再解釈し、現代の音楽シーンに新風を吹き込む意欲作だ。その多彩なジャンル融合と高い演奏技術は、聴く者を魅了すること間違いない。
A1. City Gate Rumble (Original)
A2. City Gate Rumble (Reprise Dub)
A3. Romantic Warrior (Original)
B1. Time Track (Original)
B2. Time Track (Reprise)
B3. Hymn of the Heart (Original)
Suite For Chick is a heartfelt Homage to the late Jazz Maestro Chick Corea.
The suite includes interpretations of “City Gate, Rumble”, “Time Track” and “Hymn of the Heart” by the Chick Corea Elektric Band as well as Return to Forever’s Modern Classic “Romantic Warrior”. These electrifying new interpretations are a sensorial delight for the Fusion lover and pay homage to the late master Chick Corea’s living legacy in the Music and Jazz World. Chick Corea is regarded one of the most important musicians to help guide Miles into his electric fusion period, and key member of Miles' Lost Quintet of 1969, and briefly was one of two keyboardists in his touring band, alongside Keith Jarrett; headlining jazz artist and leader in his own right for many years after, and founder of the groundbreaking Fusion group, Return to Forever, and many other bands. Bangkok based Maarten Goetheer invites Thailand’s foremost Jazz drummer Pong Nakornchai for a musical workout alongside Wurlitzer Chords, Moog baselines, ARP leads and signature Rhodes phasings.
Percussionist, Pong Nakornchai, holds a Masters in Jazz Studies from Mahidol University, and has toured extensively with local and international artists as well as leading the Expressive Pong Nakornchai Jazz Quartet.
Free spirited, Original and Improvisational are keywords that best describe his Musical philosophy. Pong represents progressive jazz at its highest level and is constantly pushing the boundaries for modern jazz in Thailand.
The main inspiration for this record according to Maarten came from his upbringing. With his father Gerard Goetheer being a jazz pianist in his own right, Maarten was raised in a musical household where the Grand Piano was always in arm’s reach. Growing up listening to his Father’s playing and countless Jazz Records, this created a fertile ground for his future endeavors.
Maarten soon developed a keen ear for chord progressions and melodies and in his work always strived to pay homage to the greats who laid the foundation of our Music. It was when he heard Masters at Work remixing one of his dad’s favorite artists “Tania Maria” a light bulb went off in his head. He knew then that two of his favorite genres could not only co-exist, but could also be merged into something new and special.
With Suite for Chick Maarten wanted to incorporate a wider range of Modern influences that he became infatuated with throughout his Musical career such as Techno, Italo, Cosmic Disco, Dub, Acid, Boogie, Proto-House & Ambient Music.
To Maarten bringing these genres together is his current and unique interpretation of the JAZZ FUSION moniker.
DJ Support: Kevin Reynolds, James Baron, Hot Toddy, Pablo Valentino, Colin Dale
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