ロンドンのDJ/プロデューサーLeo Zeroによるリエディット集!Talking Heads「Born Under Punches」やFleetwood Mac「Dreams」、Sade「The Sweetest Taboo」等の人気曲をセンス良くリエディット!
A1. Punches
A2. Dreams
B1. Taboo
B2. Feel The Pain
Round two of Leo Zero's edit archive series sees four more favourites given the LZ treatment.
On the A you'll find a killer housed-up version of an NYC New Wave classic, alongside a tight n' tidy beefed up slo-mo disco remaster and chop of a west coast rock beauty. On the flip, a chunky remake of Brit soul bomb as well as a curveball dubby, wonked out version of an alt rock rhythm that's flipped this one into a deep 5am groover.
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