月間1億6,200万ストリーミング、累計17億ストリーミング。YouTube再生回数2億2700万回。Bewitched - 現在までに6億2,400万ストリーミング。米国でのアルバム売上9万枚。Spotifyの月間リスナー数1,300万人。
は、セカンド・アルバム『Bewitched』の作曲とレコーディングによって、彼女の物語を続けている。ジャズの巨匠やクラシックの巨匠にインスパイアされながら、21世紀の20代にしか伝えられない視点を持つ『Bewitched』は、Laufeyのサウンド・パレットの拡大を象徴している。爽やかなボサノヴァ調の「From The Start」や、ストリングスのアシストでいぶし銀のバラード「Promise」のような曲は、クラシカルな曲作りと複雑なアレンジで、即座に時代を超越したものに感じさせ、Laufeyの会話形式の歌詞は、ジャズ、ポップス、クラシックを愛する次世代の人々に親近感を与える。
A1. Dreamer
A2. Second Best
A3. Haunted
A4. Must Be Love
B1. While You Were Sleeping
B2. Lovesick
B3. California And Me
B4. Nocturne (Interlude)
B5. Promise
C1. From The Start
C2. Misty
C3. Serendipity
C4. Letter To My 13 Year Old Self
C5. Bewitched
D1. Bored
D2. Trouble
D3. It Could Happen To You
D4. Goddess
Composer, singer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Laufey continues her story by writing and recording Bewitched, her second album. Inspired by jazz greats and classical masters while possessing a point of view that could only be conveyed by a 21st-century twentysomething, Bewitched represents an expansion of Laufey’s sonic palette. Tracks like the breezy bossa nova cut “From The Start” and the smoldering string-assisted ballad “Promise” have classic songcraft and intricate arrangements that make them feel instantly timeless, while Laufey’s conversational lyrics give her music a relatability to the next generation of jazz, pop, and classical aficionados.
Laufey returns on the heels of her GRAMMY win for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album to bring you her next fittingly titled era: Goddess. "Goddess" is the lead single to The Goddess Edition of her #1 Independent Album, Bewitched. The Goddess era introduces a new narrative. Laufey has more complex ideas about love, driven by her experience of being perceived as polished and perfect - an immortal goddess. “Goddess is my most honest song yet. I wrote it alone at my piano after feeling like someone had fallen in love with the version of me they'd seen on stage, just to find that I wasn't what they projected once I was off stage. They deemed me to no longer be a shiny thing when the glamor wore off, reduced to skin and bone.” -Laufey