ニュージャージー出身のプロデューサー/DJであり、Inimeg Recordsの代表でもあるJoey Andersonが、Obia Recordsのリリース第5弾に登場。ディープで魅力的なサウンドで知られるJoey Andersonは、この作品でレーベルを夜空の深淵へと導く。レーベルのアフリカンな背景と彼の催眠的なリズム、宇宙的なシンセワークを見事に融合させており、メインとなる「Vanish」は、奇妙で不気味なパッドとピアノコードが調和するトラック。ラストのWendel Sield「Cultivate」は、パルスするシンセラインと複雑なパーカッションが印象的な一曲。
A1. Joey Anderson – Vanish (Original Mix)
A2. Joey Anderson – Masked Ones (Original Mix)
B1. Joey Anderson – Escape (Original Mix)
B2. Wendel Sield – Cultivate (Original Mix)
New Jersey producer, DJ and Inimeg Records head honcho Joey Anderson takes on the role of Obiaman for Obia Records 005. Well known for his deep and intriguing records Joey Anderson takes the label far into the night sky with Vanish EP. Accompanied by label owner Wendel Sield the EP sets to serve a variety for all tastes.
Anderson’s style of hypnotic rhythm and cosmic synth work finds common ground with the labels African background in “Masked Ones”. With haunted vocal shots and elegant drum work. Minimalistic use of elements fill the track exceptionally well.
“Vanish”, the records main cut fills any ear with an astonishing panned bassline accompanied by loosely layered hihats. Strange and eerie pads float around the bassline, while piano chords give structure to the music. Followed by “Escape” this well-crafted jam explores the deep even further. Jumping synth lines that sound from another planet edge the depth of Anderson’s amazing musical ear. The track is layered by dirty low frequencies that suck you in with weird noises and atmospheric melodies.
Orbiting an icy moon Wendel Sield's “Cultivate” shows itself at the end of the EP. A pulsating synth line dominates the track main character. Intricate percussion patterns drag the track along to a dirty mono sequence. Big open snares makes this a track a slap in the face to its listener.