激渋なジャジー・ディープ・ハウスを展開する大注目レーベルSoul Questから衝撃の1枚目から間髪入れずに2枚目が登場!
Soul Questがベルリンを拠点に活躍するDJ/プロデューサーJean-Jezの12インチをリリース。音楽の根源と未来を結ぶ彼のサウンドが、多彩な表情を見せる4トラックを収録。
Jean-Jezはベルリンのアンダーグラウンドシーンで長年存在感を放ち、共同主宰パーティー「Kedi Bounce」でコミュニティと文化の架け橋となってきた。ハウス、ジャズ、ヒップホップ、アフロ・ラテンの要素を融合するスタイルは、音楽に宿る集団的歓喜を追求する姿勢そのものだ。
タイトル曲『Soul Notion』はJean-Jezの音楽哲学を体現。オープニング『Did you want to dance!』が深いメロディとブラスの装飾で聴く者を包み込み、喚起的なドラムパターンとヴォーカルサンプルが意識を高揚させる。『Take me to the moon』では疾走感あるピアノリードと軽やかなヴォーカルが浮遊感ある世界観を構築。『What is it tell me』は低音のうねりに導かれ、魔法のようなジャズギターが深淵へと誘う。
締めくくりは自身のユニットKedi Bounceによる『Did You Want To Dance』のアシッド・リワーク。ヴァイナル盤限定のこのトラックが、EP全体に鮮烈なアクセントを添える。デジタル配信されない貴重なミックスが、コレクターの心をくすぐる。
A1 Did You Want To Dance 4:31
A2 Take Me To The Moon 5:08
B1 What Is It Tell Me 3:16
B2 Did You Want To Dance (Kedi Bounce remix) 5:31
Soul Quest are proud to present the latest release from Berlin based DJ and producer Jean-Jez, who continues on with a musical journey with flourishing roots and a bright, bright future.
Jean-Jez has made waves in Berlin’s underground for a good while now, with his Kedi Bounce parties (whom he co-founded) quickly becoming a celebratory cornerstone of community and culture. His DJing style and production approach act as a core expressional loop, with Jean-Jez embracing a multitude of styles and sounds with both. Bridging the gap between house, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Afro-Latin and beyond, Jean-Jez is all about nurturing the collective joy found within music - either through his own tunes or deep in the mix at a Kat Nip party.
‘Soul Notion’ wears its heart on its sleeve and embodies the core musical principles to which Jean-Jez holds so very dear. ‘Did you want to dance!’ kicks things off with a deep melodic embrace, before spreading outwards with brassy frills, evocative simmering drumming patterns and vocal samples which kick the inner consciousness into another gear.
‘Take me to the moon’ contains an up and front piano lead, with uptempo drums providing a twist and flair to proceedings. Some inspired vocals add further to the atmosphere, one of airiness and emotional escapism.
‘What is it tell me’ stirs into life with a wide scope through the low ends, but Jean-Jez cooks up a storm with some wondrous jazz guitar that weaves one final spell to get lost deep within.
To wrap things up, Jean-Jez enlists his own collective: Kedi Bounce to put an Acid twist on ‘Did You Want To Dance’ to close the ep in style. This mix is exclusive to the vinyl mix and won’t be released digitally.
Jean-Jez looks to celebrate and resonate through his music, and this EP is a full demonstration of his abilities to bring things together. Seamlessly blending some of his favourite styles, this record contains all the feels to be wished for, and an experience that leaves plenty of room for return visits, this EP has you covered.