1983年にオレゴン州ポートランドで結成されたグループGroup Du Jourが1987年に発表した12インチEPに収録されていたディープな人気曲「Motion Of Waves」が名門復刻専科
Emotional Rescueから登場!心地良く抜けの良いドラム&パーカッションにフルートやシンセがフィーチャーされた幻想的なナンバー!ダビーで同じく幻想的なカップリング曲「We Travel Dark Waters」も◎!
A1. Motion Of Waves
A2. Motion Of Waves (Cassette Mix)
B1. We Travel Dark Waters
Group Du Jour was founded in Portland, Oregon in 1983 and have had a storied career spanning the decades since. They have always brought together live, ethnic, and electronic sounds with folk and modern pop, later getting ever more experimental. Early albums Forgotten Colors in 1986 and Wonderful Vision in 1988 are groundbreaking affairs, the latter of which gave rise to 'Motion Of Waves', which is something of a cult favourite for deep diggers. It is a rich instrumental groove that layers up synthesiser, flute, guitar and haunting vocals sitting over a brilliantly electric beat. The whole thing was a live one-take recording and is perfectly suited to both sunset and sunup moments of dancing pleasure.
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