新人Garcia (The Latin Rogue)がBad Boy BillやJulian ‘Jumpin’ Perezにインスパイアされたプリミティヴなシカゴ・トラックを披露!B面にはこのレーベルの前作11番でも楽曲を提供していた新鋭Cliff Solomonが、1980年代のディスコ・グループSinnamonに影響を受けて作り上げたというParadise garage直系のダブ・ディスコをカップリング!
A. Garcia (The Latin Rogue) – Let's Do It
B. Cliff Solomon – Give Yourself To The Beat!
The A-side of DirtybLends 12 is an 808 style beat track production from the late eighties days of WBMX Radio in Chicago along the lines of Bad Boy BiLL or Julian ‘Jumpin’ Perez’s energetic passion from our newest member to The kLan: Garcia The Latin Rogue entitled: Let’s Do It
The B-side of this disc comes AGAIN from the music groover: Cliff Solomon moving the label forward with this significant composition he greatly succeeded in creating his own idea from the nyc group Sinnamon for those who know oLd schooL Paradise Garage entitled: Give Yourself To The Beat!
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