DJ達にもお馴染みのTOTOの名曲「Georgy Porgy」、この盤ではなんとライヴ・ヴァージョンをリエディット!アコースティックなアンプラグド的なこのライヴ・ヴァージョンにダンサブルなパーカッションやキックを追加し展開も大幅変更!B面にはグルーヴ感マシマシなSadeの人気曲「Paradise」のリエディットをカップリング!
A1. Georgie Porgy
B1. Paradise
FR is next up on the Treasure Series label which started off so strongly, then went quiet for a while, then returned in December with some superb sounds from this same artist. This new outing is a tasteful two-tracker that starts with 'Georgie Porgy', which is a slow-motion Balearic jam lit up by some busy keys and a steamy vocal coo. It's a great one for building an early evening vibe, while 'Paradise' on the flip is blissed-out deep house with the one and only Sade adding the romance and soul.
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