2019年9月に少量プレスでリリースされ、今なお非常に多い評価を得ているCruisicによるTodd Terjeの代表曲"Inspector Norse"。特に当時B-Sideに収録されたゴキゲンなディスコ・レゲエのSlowly Remixは、今でも問い合わせの多い作品です。その多くのリクエストにお応えして、いよいよRSD 2024アイテムとして、リマスタリングを施し待望のリリースが決定しました!今回はそのSlowly RemixをSide-Aに収録し、Side-Bには高宮永徹によるNu DiscoなテイストのダンサブルなET Remixを初収録。どちらも完全現場対応の仕上がりとなりました。フルジャケット仕様、完全限定盤です、お見逃しなく!
A1. Inspector Norse (Slowly Remix 2024 Remaster)
B1. Inspector Norse (ET Remix)
Todd Terje's signature track "Inspector Norse" by Cruisic, which was released in a small press run in September 2019 and is still very much appreciated. Especially the Slowly Remix of the disco reggae song on the B-Side at that time is still being requested by many people. In response to the many requests, we have finally decided to release it as an RSD 2024 item, remastered and long-awaited! The Slowly Remix is included on Side-A, and the danceable ET Remix with a Nu Disco taste by Nagatetsu Takamiya is included on Side-B for the first time. Both are fully field-ready. This is a limited edition with a full jacket, so don't miss it!
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