COEO – Eternal Waves


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Format: 12 inch
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デビュー以来10年にわたりToy Tonicsレーベルの核として活躍してきたドイツのデュオCOEOが、記念すべき当レーベルでの10作目となるEPをリリース。グルーヴィーなベースにピアノやホーン、哀愁のギターが組み合わさったイタリアン・ハウス的なA1他、90sハウスのようなノスタルジックでありながら跳ねるようなキックとキャッチーなサウンドで確実に踊らせてくる仕上がりの4トラックを収録!(MIYUU)

COEOがToy Tonicsに戻ってきた!このドイツ人デュオは、Toy Tonicsの立ち上げ時からその一員だった。今回、彼らはこのレーベルでの10回目のリリースを記念し、タイムレスでありながら現代的なハウスミュージックが詰まった傑作EPで復帰を祝う。10年前の初リリース以来、彼らのハウス・ヴァイブはToy Tonicsのサウンドを定義し続け、今も世界中のToy Tonicsイベント(The Toy Tonics Jams)で定期的にプレイしている。



B面では、イタロ・ハウスの影響を受けた「Meet me at the cascades」が、催眠術のようなアプローチで聴く者を魅了し、夢のようなシンセパッドとアルペジオを展開。あなたが安心できる場所、お気に入りの隠れ家への想像の旅へと誘う。

このEPには3つのオリジナルトラックに加え、COEOの友人であるStump Valleyによるリミックスも収録。かつてDekmantelに所属していたStump Valleyは、現在Toy Tonicsに加入。Stump ValleyはFrancescoとAlekseiの2人組で、AlekseiはBrian de Palma名義でも活動し、近くPeggy GouのレーベルGuduでソロアルバムをリリース予定。Stump Valleyによる「Nostalgia」のリミックスは、際立ったピアノソロでEPを締めくくり、人生が呼び起こす強烈な記憶のように、頭から離れないEPの完璧なエンディングを飾る。

A1. Nostalgia
A2. Breeze (Bamboo Tribute)
B1. Meet Me At The Cascades
B2. Nostalgia (Stump Valley Remix)

COEO back on Toy Tonics! The German duo has been part of Toy Tonics since day one. Now they celebrate their return to Toy Tonics with an outstanding EP full of timeless, contemporary house music that also marks their 10th contribution to the label after their first release on the imprint 10 years ago. Their house vibes have been defining the sound of the Toy Tonics label for many years and still now they regularly play the Toy Tonics events around the world. (The Toy Tonics Jams).

On this new EP one more time the boys dive deep into the Italo & Piano House world- getting more electronic than ever. This EP is 100% in the vibe of now. With great piano chord drops that make everybody scream on the dance floor, with horn and synth melodies that you can sing along after you heard them one time only and with classic house beats that are THE sound of today.

The main title “Nostalgia” is inspired by and a tribute to all the intimate and ecstatic moments they were able to share over the years with music lovers on festivals and in clubs around the world. While the piano house theme on the A1 brings you in that festive mood of your last summer festival you have been to with your closest friends, the second track of the EP „Breeze“ takes it on a higher energetic level and combines a funky bass guitar with progressive house elements. Remember that special moment when you were attending your first full moon party in that far away country after you have finished school? That gentle wind blowing through the trees? „Breeze“ could be the soundtrack of that adventure.

On the B side Italo house influenced „Meet me at the cascades“ captivates through an hypnotic approach and unfolds dreamy synth pads and arpeggios to take you on a imaginary journey to your favourite retreat, a place you feel safe.

The EP features 3 original tracks and also a remix by COEO friends Stump Valley. The former Dekmantel artists who now joined Toy Tonics. Stump Valley btw are Francesco and Aleksei. Aleksei also works under the name of Brian de Palma and will release a solo album soon on Peggy Gou’s label Gudu. Stump Valley‘s remix of „Nostalgia“ rounds up the EP with its stand out piano solo and marks the perfect end to an EP that is meant to stay in your head just like all those intense memories which life in general evokes.



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