Cliff Solomon, The Jak, Lex Lathan, William Kincaid – Battle Cry / The Call (On The Edge) / Circuit Collapse

Dirty Blends (US)SKU: DB 011

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Condition : New
Format: 12 inch
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オールドスクールなシカゴ・スタイルなサウンドを体現しているレーベルDirty BlendsからのEP!初期シカゴ・ハウス好きにはたまらない3トラックを収録!


A面は、Kincaidが手がけた12分の圧倒的なトラック「Circuit Collapse」からスタート。ヴィンテージのミュージックボックスを駆使して、ダークで威圧的な雰囲気を作り上げている。

B面の最初のトラックは、新メンバーCliff Solomonによるもので、Boyd JarvisとTimmy Regisfordが1985年にNext Plateauで残した功績を讃え、ドラムとベースラインにドラマティックな要素を加えた一曲。

B面のラストを飾るのは、The JakとLex Lathanのコラボで、シカゴのアンダーグラウンド初期リリースのスローなスタイルを継承した「The Call {On the Edge}」。

A1. Cliff Solomon – Battle Cry
A2. The Jak, Lex Lathan – The Call On The Edge
B1. William Kincaid – Circuit Collapse

DirtybLends edition is another 3 track inferno release combining 3 different ideas together from heavy Jakbeat to old school slower style tracks of the label: Chicago Underground to early 80s proto-house instrumentals of Boyd Jarvis!!

tHe A siDe kicKz oFF wit the return of kincaid presenting a daRk n meNaciNg composition played n created wit bLood n sweat behind the vintage music boxes to come with this 12 minute riPPer of beauty entitled: Circuit Collapse

The 1st production on the B-side comes from new member of The Klan of The Beatheadz: Cliff Solomon on this production the caT honors the timeless work of the originator Boyd Jarvis & Timmy Regisford from 1985 on next plateau. developing drum and bassline ideas with elevated drama and deepest respect for the true pioneers of the underground."

the final tune on Dirtyblends 11 on the B side is a collaboration from The Jak and Lex Lathan recorded at Nation HQ presenting their idea to keep the spirit of the early releases on Chicago Underground that were produced more slower in style entitled: The CaLL {oN tHe EdgE}


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