Carlos NiNo & Friends' album Placenta is available in several formats including CD, translucent purple barbed double vinyl and plain black wax, which is what we have here. The record is their fourth release on International Anthem and was inspired by NiNo's recent journey into fatherhood. It pays homage to family, birth, and the wonder of new life as each track embarks on a sonic odyssey, from the soulful 'Love to all Doulas!' to the ethereal 'Moonlight Watsu in Dub.' NiNo's diverse approach traverses a spectrum of sounds and textures, reflecting his belief in the influential power of friendships to nurture creative ventures.
A1. Love To All Doulas!
A2. Some Rest For Midwives…
A3. Real Vital Organs
A4. Surges, Expansions
A5. In Appreciation Of Chico Hamilton's Vast Influence On The West Coast Sound
B1. Birthworkers Magic, And How We Get Hear…
B2. This "I" Was Not
B3.Placenta, Nourishment, New Home, The Galaxy
C1. Carla's Beads
C2. Moonlight Watsu In Dub
C3. Generous Pelvis
C4. Bi-Location
D1. "Play Kerri Chandler's RAIN"