バレアリック第一人者Phil Misonによる人気プロジェクトCantomaのアルバム!
Cantomaの新作アルバム『See In The Sun』は、まるで久しぶりに会う旧友のような心地よさを感じさせる一枚。Phil Misonが信頼する仲間たちと共に制作したこのアルバムには、20名以上のヴォーカリストやミュージシャン、エンジニアが参加している。Quinn Lamont Luke、Luna Asteri、Robin Twelftree、Justin Drake、Andre Espeut、Robin Lee、Patrick Dawes、Gizelle Smith、Audun Waageといった才能が集まり、アコーディオン、フルート、カリンバ、リード、オーケストラストリングス、ブラス、ボンゴ、そしてスペインギターが絡み合う10曲を作り上げた。
『See In The Sun』は、無条件に前向きなメッセージを持っており、Phil Misonによれば、それは意図したものではなく、ただ自然に生まれたものだという。集まった友人たちの力が生み出した結果かもしれない。
A1. Summer Rain
A2. Estalaro
A3 . Sora Ni
B1. Dancing
B2. Way To The Sun
B3. When I Call You
C1. Shelter Ft Quinn Lamont Luke ( Album Version)
C2. Some Other Stars
D1. Auto Verde
D2. To The Sea ( Album Version )
D3. Dancing Reprise
Cantoma’s new album, “See In The Sun” feels like the welcome return of an old friend. This sensation perhaps reflecting the recording, which found Phil Mison working with a team of trusted talent. More than 20 singers, players and engineers were involved , including Quinn Lamont Luke , Luna Asteri, Robin Twelftree , Justin Drake , Andre Espeut, Robin Lee, Patrick `Dawes, Gizelle Smith and Audun Waage. Collectively they’ve created 10 tracks - joyful jams between accordion, flute, and kalimba, Reeds, orchestral strings, brass, bongos, and Spanish guitar.
The LP possesses fewer introspective moments than its predecessors. The music, on the whole, is moving its feet. Making its way toward a twilight dance floor. There’s also an emphasis on “proper” songs. Lyrics are sung, and spoken, in English, Spanish and Japanese. Their predominate themes are friendship, togetherness and love.
Unashamedly optimistic in its outlook, “See In The Sun” seems to wish only the very best for everyone. Phil says he never planned it that way, it just happened. Perhaps a consequence of all the friends gathered. However, this message comes at a point when the world is poised, hoping, more than ready for positive change.
Robert Harris - Ban Ban Ton Ton.
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