Space GhostやANF、Ex-Terrestrial等のリリースで知られるカナダの人気レーベルPacific Rhythmから限定100本のカセットでリリースされたc-thruのデビューアルバムが、同国のイラストレーターTylor Macmillanによるフルカラージャケットを纏いブラックヴァイナルで登場。バレアリックやアンビエント、そしてダウンテンポの黄金時代を彷彿とさせる内省的でコズミックな8曲を収録。
数年間の沈黙を経て、Austin出身のプロデューサーJesse Edwardsが再び音楽の世界に戻ってきた。彼の以前のプロジェクトRed Morning Chorusは、Boards of Canadaのファンを惹きつけたことで知られている。Edwardsの音楽キャリアは90年代後半に始まり、Jessica Bailiffと共にシューゲイズや実験音楽を制作し、Flying Saucer AttackやHis Name is Alive、Odd Nosdamとのコラボレーションも行った。
A1. Awake (In a Dream)
A2. Geodesic Visions
A3. Time Being
A4. Slow Dive Thru The 7th Plane
B1. The Otherworld
B2. 3 Therianthropes In a Floating Pyramid
B3. Glimpse Of Concentric Realities
B4. Vivid Voyage
Originally released in 2023 via a humble run of 100 cassette tapes, c-thruʼs debut album “The Otherworld” is now available on black vinyl with a full colour jacket designed by Vancouver based illustrator Tylor Macmillan.
C-thru - The Otherworld is a collection of introspective cosmic-leaning dance music that gives a healthy nod to the golden era of trance, ambient, and downtempo from Austin, Texas-based producer Jesse Edwards. Inactive for several years, these 10 tracks mark a new chapter for Jesse Edwards. Previous works include his well-received psychedelic project, Red Morning Chorus, that included Boards of Canada amongst its fans. Edwards began his musical journey in the late 90s playing shoegaze and experimental music with Jessica Bailiff (Kranky). The pair collaborated on several albums together, including works with Flying Saucer Attack, His Name is Alive, and Odd Nosdam (Anticon).
Essential listening for anyone enamoured with the golden era of futuristic audio.
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