ファンクとソウルの名盤、AVERAGE WHITE BANDのデビューアルバム「AWB」が50周年記念エディションとして再登場。半速リマスターによるクリアで深みのある音質が魅力。「Pick Up the Pieces」などの名曲が新たな輝きを放ち、ファンならずとも必聴の一枚。スコットランド発の白人ファンクバンドが世界を席巻した歴史的作品を、最新技術で堪能しよう。
Scottish funk legends Average White Band knew exactly how to present themselves to the world when they burst onto the scene in the early 70s. Funk was reaching a peak of global popularity, but after failing to make an impression with their debut album Show Your Hand, AWB were under pressure to deliver the goods for their follow up. Relocating to LA and breaking the US market was pivotal, and their so-called 'white album' exceeded expectations when all-time classic jam 'Pick Up The Pieces' became a worldwide hit. The track even received a tongue-in-cheek riposte from The JB's, high praise indeed. This half-speed remastered version marks 50 years since the album came out and it still sounds as fresh and funky as ever.
A1. You Got It
A2. Got The Love
A3. Pick Up The Pieces
A4. Person To Person
A5. Work To Do
B1. Nothing You Can Do
B2. Just Want To Love You Tonight
B3. Keepin' It To Myself
B4. I Just Can't Give You Up
B5. There's Always Someone Waiting
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