Aura Safari, Jimi Tenor – Sensory Blending

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Format: LP
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偶然の出会いと即興セッションから生まれた『Sensory Blending』は、イタリアのコレクティブAura SafariとフィンランドのミュージシャンJimi Tenorのコラボレーションによる新アルバムです。ジャズファンクスタイルの豪華な9曲が収録されています。ペルージャのHell Yeahパーティーでの出会いから、自由に流れる創造性が一瞬にして結実しました。サックスの音と穏やかなグルーヴが特徴の「Bodily Synesthesia」、ジャジーな鍵盤とソウルフルなボーカルフックが魅力の「Lunar Wind」など、多彩な楽曲が揃っています。控えめながらも高揚感を漂わせるこのアルバムは、ライブでのパフォーマンスも期待されます。


A1        Bodily Synesthesia
A2        Lunar Wind
A3        Bewitched By The Sea
A4        My Bluebell
B1        Last Waltz In Perugia
B2        Gimlet
B3        It's Too Easy To Love You
B4        Your Magic Touch
B5        Indigo

Great music is often about chance meetings and impromptu creative sessions and so it is that Hell Yeah proudly serves up Sensory Blending, a new collaborative album from Italian collective Aura Safari and Finnish musician Jimi Tenor. The nine-track record is a lush and luxurious fusion of jazz-funk styles.

This glorious record came about after Tenor was playing a Hell Yeah party at Tangram in Perugia. Aura Safari were local and, in some free time the day before the gig, everyone jumped in the studio together. They had never met before but soon found plenty of free-flowing common ground and the result of that one-off session is now served up on this vibrant new album that brims with musicality, indelible melodies and subtly uplifting vibrations.

Tenor has toured the world and previously collaborated with the likes of Japanese master Calm. He is a psychedelic space-jazz-funk king, skilled musician, composer and producer who, since the mid-nineties, has released more than 25 albums and 45 EPs. Aura Safari is made up of bass, synth, guitar and keys players Lorenzo Francioli, Ruggero Bonucci, Nicola Pitassio Andrea Moretti, Lorenzo Lavoratori, Daniele Melloni and Nicholas Iammatteo, and they are label regulars who served up their sublime Island Dreams album here last year.

Says Jimi, who enjoyed his time in Perugia and adds that 'the studio session was 100% efficient. I showed up and we started to play. Almost all that was made was material that we could use for the album. I love to work fast. Quick brushstrokes. Finish! I was amazed at how intuitively the Aura Safari guys could come up with new parts for songs. I mentioned some feeling or approach and they seemed to find it just like that.'

'Bodily Synesthesia' is the seductive opener with steamy sax notes and gentle grooves that are topped by aloof vocal whispers. 'Lunar Wind' is another slow and steamy mix of jazzy keys and soulful vocal hooks, 'Bewitched By The Sea' is a more tropical and percussive number with majestic melodies and 'My Bluebell' picks up the pace with jazz-funk grooves and hustling chords. 'Last Waltz In Perugia' has freeform sax lines soaring over meticulous drums that ebb and flow and 'Gimlet' brings a playful, samba-tinged rhythm and sunny flute leads straight from South America. There's a laidback, carefree mood to 'It's Too Easy To Love You' while 'Your Magic Touch' is a dancey number that exudes melodic joy, and 'Indigo' closes in dramatic fashion with a conversational sax that sticks long in the memory.

Sensory Blending is a seamless fusion of collaborative minds from Aura Safari and Jimi Tenor and it could well be performed live at some special select shows later in the year.

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