Ana Mazzotti – Io Sono Io (Eu Sou Mais Eu)

La Matta (ITA)SKU: LMTD005

Sale price¥3,990 JPY
Condition : New
Format: 12 inch
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Azymuthが手掛けたことでも有名なAna Mazzottiのアルバム『Ninguem Vai Me Segurar』('74)に収録の人気曲「Eu Sou Mais Eu」が12インチで正規復刻!

La Matta Recordsが、マルチインストゥルメンタリストで作曲家のAna Mazzottiによるレアなイタロ・ブラジリアン・トラック「Io Sono Io (Eu Sou Mais Eu)」を初公式リイシュー。この楽曲は、1973年から1977年にかけてリオデジャネイロの伝説的なEstúdio Hawayと、1978年にイタリア語バージョンが初めてリリースされたRede Tupiのスタジオで録音され、Azymuthバンドとのコラボレーションも含まれている。ジャズ、ボサノバ、ファンクを独特にブレンドしたサウンドで、Anaのヴォーカルはそのグルーヴの中で唯一無二の精度と感情を放つ。

Hermeto Pascoalから「スーパー・ミュージシャン」と称賛された彼女の実験的アプローチで知られるこの楽曲は、完全リマスターされ、コレクターや音楽愛好家に提供される。さらに、キラーなエクステンデッド・ミックスと1977年のホーン入りバージョンも収録。

A1. Io Sono Io (Eu Sou Mais Eu) (extended)
B1. Eu Sou Mais Eu (1977 version)
B2. Io Sono Io (Eu Sou Mais Eu) (1978 version)



a Matta Records proudly presents the first official reissue of Io Sono Io (Eu Sou Mais Eu), the rare Italo-Brazilian track by multi-instrumentalist and composer Ana Mazzotti. Originally recorded between the legendary Estúdio Haway in Rio de Janeiro (1973-1977) and Rede Tupi’s studios (1978), where the Italian version first appeared released by GTA – Gravações Tupi Associadas S/A, this reissue captures a pivotal moment in Ana’s career and also includes collaboration with the Azymuth band. With its characteristic blend of jazz, bossa nova, and funk, Ana’s voice stands out in the groove with unique precision and emotion. Renowned for her experimental approach and praised by figures such as Hermeto Pascoal—who referred to her as a “super-musician”—this fully remastered gem is now available for collectors and enthusiasts on vinyl and all digital platforms. It also includes a killer extended mix and the 1977 version with horns.


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