Ana Frango Elétrico – Me Chama De Gato Que Eu Sou Sua


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Format: LP
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Ana Frango Elétricoの最新アルバム『Me Chama De Gato Que Eu Sou Sua / Call Me They That I’m Yours』は、ブラジリアンブギーの伝統を取り入れつつ、現代的なポップのエネルギーで満ちた作品だ。リオ出身のAnaは、このアルバムで注目の新人から確固たるシーンリーダーへと成長した。

25歳にして、Anaはすでに世界中でファンを獲得している。セカンドアルバム『Little Electric Chicken Heart』は2020年のラテン・グラミー賞にノミネートされ、その後も単独シングルでWMEの「最優秀音楽プロデューサー」賞を受賞するなど、評価を高めてきた。最近では、Bala Desejoのラテン・グラミー賞受賞アルバム『Sim Sim Sim』の共同プロデュースでも話題を集めた。

新アルバムでは、Anaの自信に満ちた音楽性が光る。オープニングトラック「Electric Fish」はファンキーなベースと輝くバックボーカルで明るい雰囲気を作り出し、「Boy of Stranger Things」はその対極にあるバンバンした楽曲で、これまでで最もグルーヴィーで大胆なサウンドだ。歌詞も個人的なテーマを率直に探求し、ジェンダーアイデンティティを明確に表現している。



A1 Electric Fish
A2 Dela
A3 Nuvem Vermelha
A4 Coisa Maluca
A5 Boy Of Stranger Things
B6 Camelo Azul
B7 Insista Em Mim
B8 Let's Go To Before Again
B9 Debaixo Do Pano
B10 Dr. Sabe Tudo

With two critically acclaimed albums and a swathe of award-winning production turns under their belt, Ana Frango Elétrico present their most confident and accomplished work to date: Me Chama De Gato Que Eu Sou Sua / Call Me They That I’m Yours. Gesturing to a tradition of Brazilian boogie music, but bouncing with modern pop ebullience, the album sees the Rio artist evolve from a captivating upstart into a surefooted scene leader in full stride. 

At just 25, the prolific artist and producer has already garnered worldwide admirers. Ana’s sophomore Little Electric Chicken Heart was nominated at the 2020 Latin Grammys. Since then, standalone singles have received the WME ‘Best Music Producer’ Award, recognising Ana’s deep passion for music production – a passion which has led to collaborations with nascent Brazilian stars Dora Morelenbaum, Illy and Sophia Chablau. Most recently, Ana was hailed for their co-production of Bala Desejo’s 2022 Latin Grammy-winning album Sim Sim Sim.

The new album finds Ana at their most assured and full voiced. Album opener “Electric Fish”, with funky bass and shimmering backing vocals, sets a buoyant tone. “Boy of Stranger Things” is its bombastic counterpart. It’s the grooviest Ana has ever sounded. And the most brazen. Lyrically, where Ana was once oblique on personal matters, they are now forthright – lucidly exploring their gender identity, citing accessible cultural references, and often singing in English.

I started this album in 2021 with the intention of showing, in means of sound, understandings and feelings about queer love, subjectively exposing myself,” the non-binary artist states – before qualifying that though “feeling was its driving force, the album is really about musical production." 

There’s so many references to different decades,” Ana explains. “Seventies drums with eighties processing … Going back, getting beyond … Testing the limits of organic sounds”. Characteristically playful, on Me Chama, Ana takes vivid and rewarding detours through funk-inflected R&B (“Dela”) and art pop (“Dr. Sabe Tudo”). “Nuvem Vermelha” is a cinematic chanson with lush strings that recalls Arthur Verocai. Then, “Coisa Maluca” loafs with the indie insouciance of Canadian slacker Mac Demarco. Later, “Let's Go Before Again”, is a full-on drum machine workout evocative of Stereolab.

 “Even if people don't find my own references here, they'll find theirs,” observes Ana. “Maybe that’s this record’s biggest goal.

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