Alicia Myersの「I Want To Thank You」と「Don't Stop What You're Doin'」は、1981年の初リリース以来、初めて同じヴァイナルに収められたクラシックな楽曲。どちらもKevin 'Mr Groove' McCordのプロデュースで、彼はAl Hudson & The Soul PartnersやOne Wayの創設メンバーとして知られ、70年代から80年代にかけて数多くのR&B、ファンク、ディスコ、ブギーのダンスフロアヒットを手掛けた。
「I Want To Thank You」は、聴く人すべてに喜びをもたらす定番の一曲。「Don't Stop What You're Doin'」は、J DillaがSlum Village feat. Busta Rhymesの「What It's All About」でサンプリングし、伝説的なアルバム『Fantastic Vol.2』に収められたことで有名。
South Streetファミリーによる完全ライセンス取得・リマスター盤として、音質も申し分ない。このヴァイナルは、ソウルやファンク、ディスコ愛好家必携のアイテム。
A1. I Want To Thank You
B1. Don't Stop What You're Doin
Alicia Myers - I Want To Thank You & Don't Stop What You're Doin' are staple classics and for the first time since their initial release in 1981 are together on one piece of vinyl. A serious double header!
Both tracks are produced by Kevin ‘Mr Groove’ McCord, heralded as Dam Funk’s favourite producers and one of the founding members of Al Hudson & The Soul Partners & One Way before going on to contribute to hundreds of r&b, funk, disco, and boogie dancefloor movers in the ’70s and ’80s.
At the height of his career he produced his One Way band members, Alicia Myers debut solo album, Alicia featuring both tracks on this release. I Want To Thank You, a certified classic that never fails to elicit a joyous reaction anytime it’s played & Don't Stop What You're Doin' famously sampled by J Dilla for ‘What It’s All About’ by Slum Village feat. Busta Rhymes on the legendary ‘Fantastic Vol.2’ album.
Another fully licenced and remastered essential release from the South Street family!
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