ベネズエラ出身のギタリストAlex Rodríguezが1978年にリリースした名盤が正規復刻!George BensonやJorge Dalto、Nené Quinteroの腕利きバンド・メンバーを迎えての躍動感のあるジャズ・ギター・アルバム!当時は自主リリースのためかなりレアでDiscogsでは10万円以上で取引されていただけにこの機会をお見逃しなく!
A1 Cumana
A2 Quetepe
A3 Del Puerto A Cumana
A4 Mochima
B1 Minuet
B2 El Mercado
B3 Guacarapo
B4 Caripe
First time vinyl reissue of this awesome 1978 Latin jazz-funk gem by Venezuelan guitarist Alex Rodríguez, featuring top musicians like Jorge Dalto, Nené Quintero and George Benson’s band members Dennis Davis and Stanley Banks, among many others.
Originally self-released and distributed in tiny quantities, “Búsqueda” has reached grail status among collectors worldwide. The album contains quite a few heaters for the dance floor, like ‘El Mercado’, and tight, keys and guitar punctuated fusion jams! (just check the groovy opener ‘Cumana’.)
180g vinyl
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